About Us

University of Victoria's Ethnographic Mapping Lab is located in the Department of Anthropology. It provides a space to support communities and scholars to engage in mapping indigenous territories in support of aboriginal title and rights, public education, inter-generational, knowledge transfer, and language revitalization. Follow on Google+ or Twitter and Learn more...

For questions about the workshop, please contact imwdenver2015@earthoutreach.org

Google Earth Outreach gives nonprofits and public benefit organizations the knowledge and resources they need to visualize their cause and tell their story in Google Earth & Maps to hundreds of millions of people. Learn more...

Founded in 1902, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) is the world's largest organization of individuals interested in anthropology. In 2015, the 114th Annual Meetings -- held in Denver -- revolve around the theme 'Familiar/Strange', seeking to cast the common-sense in new light. Learn more...